Imprint Energy’s flexible battery could revolutionize wearable technology

Imprint Energy flexible battery

One of the issues smart watch and smart band makers are facing is how to make their products look nice while using existing technologies. For one thing, battery technology hasn’t changed in years and that could be a problem for a device that is designed to sit on your wrist all day long. Simply put, many of today’s wearable devices don’t deliver on the aesthetic front.

Imprint Energy has managed to corner few investors that poured in more than $6 million to finish these batteries up.That, however, could change in the future, with few companies working on flexible batteries. One of them is Alameda, California-based Imprint Energy, which zinc-polymer batteries are not only flexible, but can act almost like paper. Moreover, they are printable, meaning that the manufacturing process would be easier than one would imagine.

These are simply called ZincPoly batteries, and they are also non-toxic, which is an extra plus, especially if we’re talking about wearable device use case (and we do).

Unsurprisingly, Imprint Energy has managed to corner few investors that poured in more than $6 million to finish these batteries up; yet, we’re still clueless when the first fruits of these efforts will be released. Chances are we’re at least a year away from the moment when ZincPoly will provide juice to a Fitbit-like smart band. We’ll make sure to keep up with this story and let you know as soon as we have something new to add. Stay tuned in the meantime…