London hospital testing Apple Watch for chemo patients

Medopad app on Apple Watch

A London hospital is joining the Apple Watch craze with plans to improve medication management and adherence for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. According to a report from Wareable, King’s College Hospital will be testing out an app from UK-based mHealth company Medopad. Their tech makes it easier for patients to go through complicated treatment regimens, providing streamlined recording and reporting of health issues during the process.

Medopad’s Apple Watch app combines medication reminders, served via haptic feedback, with data sharing directly to physicians via Apple HealthKit. It automatically sends activity data, and there’s also an option to allow patients to submit data about symptoms and temperature. So, if patients have a negative reaction to a drug, doctors can quickly adjust prescriptions for them.

The hospital provides the Apple Watches directly to patients – one or two for now, with plans to deploy 100 or more. In the context of chemotherapy treatments, the price of an Apple Watch is negligible, according to Medopad CTO Dan Vahdat.

“After the treatment is over, another patient can use the Apple Watch so it could work out at £50 [$78] per patient,” he said. “When you compare that to chemotherapy treatments and the fact that one pill could cost £1,000 [$1,575] per day it’s worth it.”

Finally, if everything goes as planned, Medopad and the National Health Service will roll out the app to other hospitals in England and in China as well.

Medopad has raised about $2.8 million since it was founded in 2011; its investors include such giants as Bayer, Intel and Vodafone.

[Via: mobihealthnews]