Gritness 2.0 makes it even easier to find and create group fitness activities

Gritness 2.0 makes it even easier to find and create group fitness activities

Gritness 2.0 has been unveiled, making it even easier to find and create group fitness activities. Available for iOS and Android, the application/service gives businesses, personal trainers, coaches and groups easy access to the tools they need to manage their fitness life.

“We know the fitness community is a busy one that needs access to information simply and quickly,” said Gritness co-founder Jason Whitson. “With Gritness 2.0 we offer mobile access to more of the same great features people have come to rely on via”

Aside from making searching for group fitness activities easier, the updated app also allows users to create and modify group activities from anywhere, get more details about existing groups and claim their groups, all without visiting Gritness’ web page.

Gritness hosts thousands of fitness listings and groups throughout the U.S. With Gritness 2.0, organizers of these events have mobile access to Gritness’ affordable registration platform allowing them to update and add activities to their business pages, keep track of who is coming and take registration fees all at their fingertips.

Gritness (FREE) [iTunes link] [Google Play Store]