Project Aura is the new name for the Google Glass project

Google Glass

With the exception of select researchers and institutions, Google Glass is no longer available to the general public. However, Google never said it will kill the project; instead, it will give it a new name – Project Aura, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

The name shouldn’t be confused with Project Ara, which is Google’s effort to create a module smartphone.

The WSJ report adds that Google has picked engineers, software developers, and project managers from Amazon’s Lab126 hardware division, which made the everything-but-successful Fire Phone.

We’re not sure what Google has in store for its head-mounted gear, but chances are it will want to expand the reach of the project and eventually sell them to the general public. Or they will leave the last part to its partners.

In any case, we do expect to hear more about Project Aura in the weeks and months to come, and how it can improve the delivery of healthcare services, patient experience, and more. Stay tuned…