Brightline launches virtual coaching program for young children with autism
The Getting an Early Start on Autism Program builds on top of current support models and fills gaps in care by delivering virtual training to caregivers.
Google Glass used to treat autism?
As part of the Autism Glass Project, researchers at Stanford are testing the device to help autistic children recognize and classify emotions.
New ResearchKit studies for autism, epilepsy and melanoma unveiled
Apple announced that researchers from Duke University, Johns Hopkins and Oregon Health & Science University are launching new medical studies using ResearchKit.
Autism Speaks to trial efficacy of Akili’s mobile game
The trial will look to measure cognitive and symptom improvement over one month of device play; recruitment will begin toward the end of the year.
Samsung unveils Look At Me app to help children with autism
The application is aiming to help develop communication skills in children with autism and deepen the relationships with those around them.