A group of Spanish engineers have developed smart seatbelts that can monitor heart rate and wake drivers up if they sense they are falling asleep behind the wheel.
The system, dubbed HARKEN, also takes a second reading from a special seat cover to monitor variations in the respiratory rate.
These smart seatbelts and seat covers were fitted into all cars, thousands of deaths could be prevented across Europe each year.The device can spot when breathing and heart rate slows, and issue a warning alarm to pull over to prevent motorists from causing accidents through nodding off.
Driver fatigue is a major problem on roads all around the world, and is believed to contribute to a significant percent of all road accidents. Sleepiness reduces reaction time, alertness and concentration.
The team, which includes experts from Manchester University, has tested the device out successfully on race circuits and will shortly begin trialing vehicles in the streets of Spain to see if the technology works in traffic scenarios.
They believe that if the seatbelts and seat covers were fitted into all cars, thousands of deaths could be prevented across Europe each year.
[Via: Telegraph.co.uk]