Higi and Stayhealthy have closed a transaction to come together, creating the largest connected retail health kiosk network in the United States. Going forward, the business will operate as Higi and have a nationwide footprint of over 6,000 kiosks with a contractually scheduled install base of nearly 10,000 by 2015.
The two companies have combined to execute upon their shared vision of helping people to take small but meaningful engagement steps in their health and wellness. A robust platform has been developed that makes it simple and rewarding to take control of one’s health and wellness.
Beyond offering consumers basic health screenings, the platform also integrates with many of the most popular fitness tracking devices on the market.Both companies have successfully aligned with retail, provider, wellness, and corporate partners to roll out an interactive health engagement platform that features a nationwide self-service kiosk network which is free for consumers to use.
Beyond offering consumers basic health screenings (blood pressure, pulse, body fat, weight and BMI), the platform also integrates with many of the most popular fitness tracking devices on the market. This allows users to easily monitor both their fitness and health tracking activity while also being uniquely rewarded for their efforts via Higi’s wellness engagement incentive program.
John Collins, CEO of Stayhealthy and Jeff Bennett, CEO of higi are both pleased with the deal, with Collins saying that merging Higi’s engagement platform with Stayhealthy’s clinical-quality health measurement technology is a “win-win for the end-user.” “There is a great synergy between our products, services and passion for providing quality healthcare screening and engaging individuals to take control of their health,” Bennett added.
Under the deal, Bennett will serve as CEO while Collins will serve as Vice Chairman and Director of Innovation.