InfraV is touted as the most feature-rich smartwatch that also happens to be perfect for fitness, dieting, general health and entertainment. The device, which is currently raising funds at Indiegogo, can be used alone or paired with an iPhone or Android smartphone.
Users can feel safe and secure knowing their vital signs are being monitored by the latest cutting edge technology; the device will alert them in any need for assistance, while also providing previously defined contacts with exact location data if necessary. In addition, the watch will actively alert the wearer to impending blood sugar crashes or spikes so they can take action on time.
InfraV is not made just for those who are concerned about disease but also for everyone who wants to improve their health.The promo page at Indiegogo claims the InfraV can determine Sp02 as well as glucose levels using low-cost wavelength specific transmitters and receptors. Furthermore, systolic pressure is calculated by comparing an ECG waveform to the spectroscopic waveform using the Pulse Transit Time Method (PTT).
However, InfraV is not made just for those who are concerned about disease but also for everyone who wants to improve their health. In the personal trainer mode, it allows users to rely on custom programs to monitor and set goals for cardiovascular training, all while delivering the “usual stats” such as distance traveled, calories burned and pulse. This data can also be tracked in real-time from a special website.
The watch has a touchscreen that will deliver notifications to one’s wrist, while also providing music playback control.
The team behind InfraV is looking to raise $50,000 and chances are they will succeed doing so. This is one of those “flexible funding” campaigns with proceeds going to the company even if they don’t hit their goal. A single InfraV units goes for $299.