Maxwell Heath to add RxREVU’s tech to its HR platform


The company behind the “operating system for employee benefits” Maxwell Heath is partnering with RxREVU, a medication optimization solution to help consumers save money on their prescriptions.

RxREVU operates the leading medication savings dataset in the healthcare field, and has developed an advanced algorithm to analyze drug and dosage information, and identify strategies that save money.

“They [RxREVU] provide a simple, safe way to work with your existing doctor to optimize prescriptions year round, and we’ll be able to leverage that data for more informed health services for everyone on our platform,” said Maxwell Health’s CEO and Co-Founder Veer Gidwaney.

Maxwell is looking to integrate RxREVU’s technology into its platform in the first quarter of next year.

Research shows that Americans spend over $300 billion each year on prescription drugs, with roughly $148 billion in over-spending annually on prescriptions.