Prime is working on a solution that will allow patients to access their medical records whenever they want to

Prime is working on a solution that will allow patients to access their medical records whenever they want to

A company called Prime is building a service that will allow patients to access their medical records whenever they want to. In addition, the platform will allow moving of this data between different systems, as well as share parts of the record with members of the family.

The company says that thanks to their service users will never be in the dark about their health, or the health of their loved ones. This data should be owned by people and they should be able to share it with interested parties like doctors, family and friends.

Naturally, Prime doesn’t start from a clean sheet of paper; instead, it’s relying on modern/existing technology, standards (to make data transfer possible) and new trends that see the “consumeration of health.” With these three pillars behind them, they are about to rock the medical records industry. We’ll be watching every step they make…