OrbitaASSIST is a new virtual health assistant for patient communication at the bedside

Using a smart speaker configured with OrbitaASSIST, the patient can say things like 'tell the nurse I need a pillow,' or 'tell the nurse I've fallen.'

MyHealthTeams launches social network for people living with spondyloarthritis

MySpondylitisTeam is an online community where people share information, resources, tips and advice that help them better manage their day-to-day health.
Zocdoc Patient-Powered Search

Zocdoc’s new Patient-Powered Search provides a more intuitive search experience

The feature aims to bridge the gap between healthcare industry and human speak, allowing anyone to use his/her own language to find the right provider.
WEGO Health Experts

WEGO Health Experts aims to connect health care companies with patient experts

The platform enables companies to tap sharing economy, leverage health care's newest workforce - patient influencers.

CareDash gets $2M for its online doctor-rating portal

With this new investment, the company will increase consumer awareness of the brand as a resource dedicated to transparency in the doctor review industry.
Dimension Data - graph

Dimension Data’s Clinical Mobility Solution aims to improve patient safety and caregiver efficiency

The solution enables organizations to more effectively integrate mobility across their operations for a wide range of applications and use cases.

SwervePay acquires StatPayMD to help patients understand and save on their healthcare costs

Graduate of NYC-based digital health accelerator Blueprint Health, StatPayMD helps patients understand out-of-pocket costs before and at care.
Everseat app

LifeBridge Health adds Everseat-enabled mobile doctor booking service

The two companies are also teaming-up to create new technology that would facilitate coordinated patient care among LifeBridge Health providers.

PatientsLikeMe gets $900K from RWJF to develop new measures for healthcare performance

Together with NQF, PatientsLikeMe will work to develop, test and facilitate the broader use of PROMs to assess patient-reported health status.
Rally Health

Rally Health’s new service makes shopping for health services easier

Available to 20 million people, Rally Connect unifies the consumer health experience, from health and wellness to provider search and cost transparency.