Samsung’s newly announced Galaxy S5 smartphone comes with a built-in heart rate monitor, whereas to add the same feature for the iPhone, a third-party accessory is needed. That could be a case (like Wello) or a smart band. There’s an option to either buy out-of-shelf solution, or… 3D print your own heart rate monitor add-on.
What makes this iPhone case turned stethoscope unique — aside from the fact that you can make it yourself — is the fact that it was designed by a 15-year old after his parents bought him a MakerBot Replicator 2 (3D printer).
The Steth IO case uses a diaphragm that collects low-frequency sounds and delivers them through a tube to the microphone. The accompanying app then “hears” the sound of a person’s heart beat, displaying it on the screen.
The creator Suman Mulumudi has started his own company called StratoScientific and has applied for the patents for his design. He’s also looking to get an FDA approval, making its accessory “officially ready” for the prime time.